With the emphasis on nationwide accountability and outcome data, schools have gradually become more scientific. Practitioners need of methods for selecting evidence-based educational interventions to solve common academic and social behavior problems.

The Evidence Based Intervention Network was developed to provide guidance in the selection and implementation of evidence based interventions (EBI) in the classroom setting, and to support the use of EBI in schools. Our extensive resource base includes evidence based intervention briefs, video modeling of EBIs, and information on selecting and using EBI. Each of these resources has been developed in collaboration with faculty and students from a variety of universities.

There are three general categories of resources on the EBI Network:

EBI Evidence Based Interventions
EBA Evidence Based assessments
RTI response to intervention

Interventions and assessments are sorted based on the situations they have been developed for, with categories for reading, math and behavior interventions as well as assessments for screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring. The RTI section houses assorted resources to assist teachers, school based problem solving teams, and schools as they develop their RTI school wide programs.

This website is a sampling of evidence-based interventions and associated resources that can be used in the classroom. Visitors should seek additional information on websites such as Intervention Central or with books such as Effective School Interventions. For questions or comments please contact Dr. Chris Riley-Tillman at rileytillmant@missouri.edu.