The College of Education & Human Development Golden Apple Award recognizes instructors in the college who excel and go “above and beyond” in teaching and/or advising.
College of Education & Human Development faculty (tenure-track and NTT), adjunct faculty, instructors, lecturers and graduate teaching assistants are eligible. Nominations are accepted September 1 – March 30 and reviewed each month. Up to eight awards may be given per year.
Nomination FormIndividuals recognized for excellence in teaching should demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics of effective teaching:
- Clarity – organization of content and instruction; explanation of concepts and content; and directions for assignments and projects.
- Variability – instructional approaches and methods; instructional materials and visuals; learning activities; student engagement; and types of assessment.
- Enthusiasm – excitement for students and for teaching; interaction, questioning, and engagement.
- Task-oriented and professional – concerned with learning; preparation for class and laboratories; clear expectations; and encourages creative work.
- Opportunities for learning – teaches to clearly established objectives and expectations; and congruence between objectives, instruction, and assessment.
- Available/Accessible – effectively communicates and interacts with students outside the classroom.
- Knowledgeable/Helpful – an effective consultant; provides accurate and timely information regarding curriculum, co-curriculum, and policies; provides information on academic support and student development services; encourages academic success.
- Personable/Approachable – students feel comfortable seeking out; knows students by name; takes a personal interest in individual students’ experiences, progress, and development.
- Counselor/Mentor – an advocate who students turn to for advice, counsel, guidance, or direction.
Nominations must include:
- A one-page letter describing the important aspects of the nominee’s achievements/contributions/activities that qualify him/her for the award. (If a department chair is nominated, the Associate Dean for Student Success and Academic Affairs should endorse the nomination.)
- Within the one-page letter include a “brief” summary of the nominee’s teaching and/or advising evaluations or attach a table summarizing teaching and/or advising evaluations that support the teaching and/or advising criteria
- Nomination must be endorsed and supported by the department chair. A copy of an email or very brief memo indicating they endorse the nomination is all that is needed.