241 Stanley Hall
Columbia, MO 65211 - mgilligan@missouri.edu
- 573-882-6606
- Personal Website
- Curriculum Vitae
Megan Gilligan
- Associate Professor
Dr. Megan Gilligan earned a Dual-Title Ph.D. in sociology and gerontology from Purdue University in 2013. She is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America. Dr. Gilligan’s research focuses on family relationships and well-being, with particular interest in parent-child and sibling relationships in the middle and later years. Much of her recent work has focused on family caregiving. She is the Principal Investigator on a K01 award from the National Institute on Aging on the health impact of sibling relations on caregivers for parents with dementia. Her work has been published in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, The Gerontologist, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Family Theory and Review, and Research in Human Development. Findings from her research have been featured in the media more than 100 times, including in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the British Broadcasting Company.
Areas of Expertise
- Parent-Adult Child Relations
- Adult Sibling Relations
- Family Relations and Well-Being
- Research at HDFS