This page is dedicated to celebrating all the amazing MissOURi kinship caregivers. You inspire us every day to make our program the very best it can be to serve you and your family. Whether your kinship care arrangement is informal or formal, long or short term, we are here to support you! Thank you for all that you have done and all you continue to do to support the children in your care!

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Recorded Stories

Each kinship story is unique. While kinship families have some things in common, every journey kinship caregivers experience when caring for another’s child is their own. We are so fortunate to have kinship caregivers across Missouri share the story of their kinship journey!

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Poems and Writings

View poems and other literatures written for and by kinship caregivers.

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Benefits to Children in Kinship Families

Kinship caregivers of all types are critically important because they care for children so they do not end up in foster care with unfamiliar adults. Being in kinship families greatly improves outcomes for the children. Child development scholars recognize the tremendous benefits of kinship care for children.

View Benefits to Kids

National Work to Support Family Caregivers:

Learn of important work at the national level to support family and kin caregivers. Read the initial report to Congress developed by the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) that describes federal programs currently available to assist kin and grandparent caregivers and provides 22 recommendations to Congress for better supporting kinship families and grandfamilies. Also learn of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers that was created to support family caregivers of all ages and includes nearly 350 actions the federal government will take to support family caregivers.

National Kinship Town Hall

View the recorded National Kinship Town Hall to hear what federal legislators believe Congress can do to elevate kinship families and listen to kinship caregivers as they share their stories about their caregiving experiences, highlighting their challenges and needs.
Explore the work of organizations that aim to support kin families through advocacy, support groups, and services.

National Kinship Town Hall Program